At Durgin and Crowell, we promise to be dedicated to offering our customers the personal service that is essential to delivering the highest quality, fully sustainable Eastern White Pine, on time, to the specs desired. We provide hands on solutions.
We are Pine Passionate.
We are Pine Passionate.

we are pine passionate
The workers at Durgin and Crowell are committed. Arriving at 5:30am 6 days a week to warm up the machines for a 6:00am start time is a standard day. Most workers arrive by truck, one worker rides his bike. The point is that these workers are dedicated to doing their job well. They are passionate. Please follow us on Instagram to see photos of this passion firsthand. #wearepinepassionate
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enhance™ paneling
Enhance™ by Durgin and Crowell is our line of pre-coated, UV cured Eastern White Pine paneling products that make the warmth of wood easy, safe, practical and affordable. Because Enhance™ comes into a room ready to go, it reduces installation time by days.
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what hard
work is
work is
A story about our employees, who put their heart and soul into making our mill the best possible place it can be.
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